Información del ponente
THE MAZZANTI ACUOSTEO METHOD® Tratamiento de la Estiloiditis Radial con Acupuntura y Osteopatía
The Mazzanti AcuOsteo method®: Treatment of Radial Styloiditis with Acupuncture and Osteopathy
Dr. MD. Umberto Mazzanti *, Dr. MD. Giuseppe Tallarida**
Lecture purpose:
The aim of the lecture consists to enable Acupuncture practitioners to easily apply Acupuncture and Osteopathic techniques and translate them into clinical practice.
Lecture description:
The radial styloiditis is a frequent reason for consultation. Pain results from overuse, repetitive strain injury through work or sports. In my experience, Acupuncture and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) are very effective and synergistic in treating radial styloiditis.Acupuncture treatment is based on the identification of pain type and location in order to identify the Acupuncture Muscle and Connecting channels affected. The aim is to restore the local circulation of Qi and/or Blood, thus inducing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and myofascial detensioning.
OMT is based on the assessment of the wrist joint dysfunctions and aims to bring joints back to their physiological position.
Lecture contents:
– Joint pain in TCM and Osteopathic medicine
– The crucial role of the Secondary Muscle and Connecting Channels
– Principles of Osteopathic Manipulation
– Radial styloiditis: diagnosis and treatment with Acupuncture and Osteopathy
* Dr. Umberto Mazzanti, MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath DO MROI
Specialized in Sports Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Vice president of AMAB (Association Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna)
Vice director of AMAB-Italian Chinese Acupuncture School
Treasurer of FISA (Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies)
General Secretary of PEFOTS (Pan European Federation of TCM Societies)
Council Board Member of WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies)
Visiting Professor of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
Invertor of The AcuOsteo Method®
** Dr. Giuseppe Tallarida, MD, Acupuncturist
Teacher of AMAB-Italian Chinese Acupuncture School